Αccording to netiquette internet users should assume which of the following?

Published by Joanna on

Greetings to all, this is Joanna Vaiou from my Remote SEO company blog “JoannaVaiou.com”.

As a digital marketer, I communicate a lot and spend endless hours online, reading, supporting clients via email, writing blog posts, guest posts etc.

There are some things when it comes to “Netiquette” (or “online etiquette, or “interenet etiquette”) that I ‘d like to point out, as they matter to me as a digital professional.

I am sure they will matter to you too, if you have similar business lifestyle.

I remember once an Ex- client, they were writing emails to me asking for things and used ALL capital letters in the email’s subject.

This is an awful “netiquette”, it does not show respect.

When you use all capitals in your digital communications, it is like you are “SCREAMING” to the recipient.

Don’t be that person! 🙂

What is netiquette? Definition of netiquette

by Virginia Shea

“What is Netiquette? Simply stated, it’s network etiquette — that is, the etiquette of cyberspace. And “etiquette” means “the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life.” In other words, Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online”.

I found the above definition very straight forward and helpful by Virginia Shea, author of the “Netiquette” book.

Below I am sharing and quoting the 10 Core Rules of Netiquette by Virginia Shea.

You can find a more detailed analysis about each network etiquette rule by clicking the source’s link here.

10 Core Rules of Netiquette (List)

  1. Rule 1: Remember the Human
  2. Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
  3. Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
  4. Rule 4: Respect other people’s time and bandwidth
  5. Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
  6. Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
  7. Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
  8. Rule 8: Respect other people’s privacy
  9. Rule 9: Don’t abuse your power
  10. Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes

Αccording to netiquette, internet users should assume which of the following?

Αccording to netiquette, internet users should assume which of the following? netiquette – online etiquette – internet etiquette – Joanna Vaiou

Αccording to netiquette, internet users should assume which of the following

Αccording to netiquette, internet users should assume which of the following?

What does “Hi” or “Hey” only mean when it arrives to your Linkedin or other social network inbox?

I have yet to understand.

These are the types of inbox messages that I don’t reply to.

Sorry, but I am not sorry for that.

  1. If you find yourself to act like those people, you must understand, that when you are in a social network and you are interested to talk to someone who has a professional profile (meaning, it is obvious that they are not on social media to find a date or a husband or a wife etc), in order to convert a respond from the other side, you need to be more specific and avoid the chit chat.
  2. Yes?
  3. Tell the stranger what drew your interest online how you found them and what it is that you want from them to increase the chances of getting a response.
  4. Would you ever walk to a stranger in the street and say a straight “HI” and pause there, without nothing else…? 🙂
  5. Thing about it, no, right?
  6. Of course if your purpose is to sell your stuff in a stranger’s face, whatever way you choose to do that, with a straight “hi” or not, there is no guarantee that you will even get a reply.

My own standards for good netiquette (online behavior) consist of the following:

  • Understand how each person uses social media for and approach those with the same interests like yours (i.e if you are looking to find a date and you are not on a Dating site, don’t be aggressive and don’t waste peoples time who are using social media for networking and business).
  • Avoid using capital letters as previously mentioned.
  • Be mindful.
  • Be helpful.
  • Be interesting.
  • If you crave for a respectful answer, show respect first for the other person’s time.
  • Try to use the words “please” and “thank you”.

Check out the following interesting resources:

Thank you for your time invested in our article whose aim is to answer the following question that people type in Google search box to find answers for: “Αccording to netiquette, internet users should assume which of the following?

Joanna Vaiou


Joanna Vaiou is a Corporate SEO expert and Self Growth - Life enthusiast from Athens, Greece. Website: https://www.JoannaVaiou.com