Ron Malhotra: 7 Characteristics/Traits of an Alpha Male

Published by Joanna on

What is the definition and the traits/characteristics of an Alpha Male?

Becoming a modern alpha male 


This is Joanna Vaiou and today I am presenting you Ron Malhotra, a Wealth Specialist, 5 times Best Selling Author, and Founder of “The Successful Male” Program.

I first noticed Ron on Linkedin during 2019.

Was drawn to the way he speaks and writes about topics that are controversial such as:

  1. Success
  2. The mindset of an alpha male
  3. Money & wealth building
  4. Abundance
  5. and more

What I love about Ron is how he approaches these topics from the scope of self-development, mindset improvement, and courageous leadership.

I am very happy to collaborate with Ron and grateful to share his insights with you.

Ron shares his own definition of an alpha male and his 7 traits (or characteristics).

Enjoy him.

Thank you Ron.

The Evolution Of The Alpha Male by Ron Malhotra

The world needs alpha males however,

the definition of an alpha male is outdated.

It is absolutely in need of an adjustment.

The world doesn’t need more men who wish to exert their dominance over others.

It needs men who can exercise dominance over their own instincts,

their primal tendencies and their insecurities.

An alpha male is not somebody who controls or attempts to conquer others.

He conquers his own thoughts,

his own feelings and his own behaviours.

An alpha male is a warrior.

But not the type of warrior you assume.

He is a warrior because he stands up for what’s right.

He defends what is true and he protects what is moral.

A modern alpha is masculine.

He does not diminish his masculinity,

but he doesn’t feel the need to exert macho or bravado either.

An alpha male is successful,

but not in the traditional sense of the word.

He is successful because…

  1. He knows his life purpose and has dedicated himself to it
  2. He commits to maximizing his own potential
  3. He has the heart to make a difference

A true modern day alpha male is a leader.

He leads, not through power, force or position, but through character, influence and integrity.

Characteristics/Traits of an alpha male:

  1. Accomplishment
  2. Courage
  3. Character
  4. Discipline
  5. Respect
  6. Substance
  7. Style

An alpha male…

  1. Does not give up after failure
  2. Is not jealous of other men’s success
  3. Does not dwell on the past
  4. Does not fear taking calculated risks
  5. Does not worry about pleasing everyone
  6. Does not waste his time thinking and talking about things that he can’t control
  7. Does not avoid change
  8. Does not drift aimlessly without a sense of who he is and what he wants
  9. Does not feel sorry for himself
  10. Is prepared to put in sustained effort over long periods of time
  11. Does not have a sense of entitlement and does not feel that the world owes him something

The alpha male manages dichotomies.

He is masculine without being macho.

He exerts strength over himself, not others.

He is a leader but leads to empowering others.

Being an alpha male has never been easy.

It wasn’t easier then and it certainly isn’t easy now.

Perhaps that’s why there are not many around.

About Ron Malhotra

Ron Malhotra is a Wealth Specialist, Global Speaker, Author X 5, Business Advisor & Thought Leadership Mentor, Founder of The Successful Male, Managing Director of Maple Tree Wealth Management & Future Millionaires Academy.

More information:

  1. The Successful Male Program Website
  2. Find Ron Malhotra on Linkedin

7 Traits or Characteristics of an Alpha Male - Ron Malhotra - How to be an alpha male

Ron Malhotra – Thrive Don’t Just Survive – 7 Characteristics & traits of an alpha male today

Traits (Characteristics) of an Alpha Male - How to become an Alpha Male Ron Malhotra

Characteristics/Traits of an Alpha Male – Ron Malhotra – TSM Manifesto


Joanna Vaiou is a Corporate SEO expert and Self Growth - Life enthusiast from Athens, Greece. Website: