How to Make it to the Top – Iliada Kothra

Published by Joanna on

“Feel your inner power and follow the dream.” ~ Iliada Kothra

Look around you.

The world is changing rapidly.
Specially in the ”business field”.
The end of the ”Alphas” kind of leaders, brought new needs in our careers.
”Alpha”, mainly men, used to work ruthless, having the ”Kill eye-look” in every word.
But this is so…last year attitude..
The new rules need to:
  • Connect.
  • Collaborate.
  • Influence.

And that is the reason why women can build their own successful brands and make them global.
But how do you make it to the top as a woman?

Iliada Kothra about female entrepreneurship -

First of all, a woman that wants to be a man is a waste of a woman.
The biggest obstacle for that, is your sex, yeah…you guess right.
You have to be ambitious, but deeply in your mind, you hear all those voices saying ‘‘Don’t you think you are a ballbreaker lady..?”
Iliada Kothra - A Leading woman entrepreneurs - Female entrepreneurship Insights

Iliada Kothra – A Leading woman Entrepreneur – Writer – Tedx Speaker – Columnist – Business Consultant – Female entrepreneurship Insights

And those are the barriers you have to break down.

Never forget that no one can make you feel useless without your permission, even if we ladies, are so quick to believe the worst about ourselves.

So, let’s see what you have to do.

  1. You have to size up your idea.
  2. Develop and manage a product.
  3. Make a marketing plan.
  4. Build a brand.
  5. Understand marketing channels.
  6. Master finance of your business.
  7. Hire smart people and let them do their job!
  8. Put yourself forward and write down your achievements, never be so humble about them!
  9. You have to find the right partner if you want to have the same opportunities as men..
  10. Be a good example for the people that work with you.
  11. Remember that failure is OK.

About Failure.

Many times we must sense the horrible feeling of failure in order to understand more things about our goals and ourselves.
After all…success does not come easily and should not be taken for granted.
It is very much about hard work, resilience, determination.

See the big picture.

  1. Always see the big picture.
  2. Stay focused no matter what.
  3. That extra effort is the bit that can be magic.
  4. Create your own network.

Working for yourself can be lonely and frustrating.

  1. Plan regular meet-ups with friends and colleagues who might be experiencing similar challenges – the support will keep you going when you hit a wall.
  2. Most of all….bust all those stereotypes, and play with your own rules.
  3. A woman can do that.
  4. Believe all those amazing women around you.

About Iliada Kothra

Iliada Kothra at When Top Industry Leaders Speak Column about Women Entrepreneurship -

Iliada Evangelia Kothra was born in Athens. She studied advertising, public relations, sales techniques, marketing, and worked at major firms such as Gucci (Pentheroudakis Group), Planeta Moda S.A., MED S.A as Sales Director / Franchise Consultant and responsible for the wholesale expansion in Greece and abroad as well as for the merchandising of many retail stores.

She is the founder of the global platform, a project started in 2012, at a time of deep economic and political crisis, out of the need to change the world’s perspective of Greece. The goal was to promote new boutique hotels, designers, artists, local products, and innovative Greek brands abroad. Living is today the biggest database about Greece and it is visited by businessmen from abroad who choose Greek entrepreneurs, creators, and feature their products or items in their shops, galleries or concept stores. She has published many articles about Greek creativity in big sites and magazines such as, HuffPost Greece, New Diaspora, Adorn Magazine.

She is invited to speak at many entrepreneurship and tourism conferences. She likes to travel trying to find people with a special #successtory.

She is the founder of the #dontacceptit campaign against domestic violence. She is a keynote speaker in many conferences about sales techniques, personal branding and empowerment.

She has published two books.

Find Iliada Kothra on Social Media:

  1. Linkedin
  2. Facebook
  3. Instagram

  1. Founder of platform
  2. Founder of
  3. Founder of #Dontacceptit Campaign
  4. Business Consultant / Columnist / uc?export=download&id=1mxa8pBPxfJX v9L v74fC1IYnSMqqusu&revid=0BwHPl4z HZs9Z3Uzdm5tMVkzWFZKRWNBZ2lZMDdHWVFNQXBJPQ « Speaker / Writer

liada Evangelia Kothra Speech / Presentation | Domestic violence as a topic for digital influencers campaign

Female Entrepreneurship Insights - Feel your Inner Power and Follow the Dream - Iliada Kothra -

Iliada Kothra Spoke about Domestic Violence at “Digital Influencers in Action” conference – Montenegro


Joanna Vaiou is a Corporate SEO expert and Self Growth - Life enthusiast from Athens, Greece. Website: